Are Employee Resource Groups Right For You?

Employee Resource Groups networking

Many organizations have developed special supports to help employees network and develop connections within organizations. One of these supports are Employee Resource Groups (ERG). The first U.S. ERG was formed by African-American employees at Xerox in 1964 to address issues of discrimination. Today, groups support many types of affinities: women, Asian-Americans, working parent, veterans, peopel with disabilities, …

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Ditch the Cards and Escape Networking Events

Guess what? Those stacks of business cards you’ve collected at networking events mean nothing unless you take the next steps. In fact, they might even lure you into a false sense of accomplishment. Networking isn’t about amassing hundreds of weak ties with people who won’t remember us two weeks after we meet. Instead, it’s about …

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The Art of Quiet Networking

For many introverts, Susan Cain’s TED talk about introversion was a much needed affirmation of the value of the quiet style. She articulated what many of us needed to hear: there’s nothing wrong with being an introvert. In fact, introverts have much to offer.

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4 Steps to Getting to Yes

Entrepreneurs are always asking. We ask for resources, ideas, funding, partnerships, and so many other things. Our success depends on our ability to ask successfully. This post, recently published on, reviews four steps to acing your next ask and getting to yes.

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